What is the difference between website and landing page?

Today we will discuss what is website and landing page and what is the difference between them. Let’s know the details.

What is a website?

A collection of web pages, images, audio, video and other digital information is called a website. which resides on the web server.

What is a web page?

A type of HTML document is commonly called a web page. It can be easily accessed through the Internet and with the help of a web browser. As most of the people use the internet these days, they visit various websites and web pages. This web page is the foundation of a website made up of many web pages. Any particular web page can be used by customers through different URL addresses.

Each web page contains various types of information, HTML documents. Because of which it is also called HTML document. Sometimes other programming languages ​​can also be used in this case. For every web page to be displayed to the user, the page has to connect to the server. Basically, all the data of a particular webpage is stored there. Due to which a visitor is able to see all the data after coming to the web page of a particular website.

What is a landing page?

A static web page created for the purpose of conducting a marketing or advertising campaign is usually called a landing page. This landing page is used to collect visitor leads from Google, Bing, YouTube and Facebook pages. The page on which the visitors are landed through the ‘ad’ is under the scope of this landing page. Lead capture page, single property page, landing page and destination page are common synonyms of landing page.

Now let’s continue to know the details along with the institutional definition. A landing page is usually much like a web page. It is also a part of the website itself.

A specific topic is targeted for the purpose of designing a landing page. Landing pages are used to achieve major goals such as increasing conversion rates and increasing website sales. Along with important things like ‘lead/customer data’. Which then doesn’t take much time to turn into a targeted audience. It is usually created for the marketing of a particular product.

What is the difference between website and landing page?

From the above discussion you can understand that landing page and website are two different parts. Let’s be clear about the matter.

In the case of the landing page, the details of the offer are given in terms of information. On the other hand, in the case of website, from general discussion about your business type to offers, the whole company or various issues are discussed in detail.

The audience on the landing page is only people who are interested in the offer. No one outside of that is a landing page audience. On the other hand, people interested in general topics can also fall in the queue of audience on the website. Maybe they came to the site to know or to decide to buy a service or product.

Limited navigation is always preferred when it comes to landing page navigation. It means that the number of navigations is very less. On the other hand, in the case of websites, all navigations are acceptable. In this case, its number can be many.

The purpose of the landing page is to sell the product on offer only. Again, the purpose of the website is to inform everyone about the company or service.

Having read the above discussion, you must have understood that these are two very different parts and both have different purposes. Your website visitors are those who are interested in your business and the products and services you offer For example, people interested in fashion on your fashion related site may visit your website to learn more about different topics or browse your online store.

A landing page, on the other hand, tries to get you to a more targeted audience. This group consists mostly of people who already know about the subject.

That means they already know about that service, that product, that offer or have come to know about it. Nowadays the main purpose of visiting the landing page is to get more confirmation about the offer and buy the product or service.

Let’s say someone is looking for a web designer in their area. They are looking for landing pages in search results and have found them. Due to prior knowledge, later they got a little more sure about the offer and placed the order.

Hopefully you already know about the main differences between a landing page and a website. Now let’s discuss about the right time to use them.

Websites and landing pages, when, what are they used for?

In view of the above information, a website is the best way to inform the audience about your business or brand. You can use your website to improve your search engine rankings, increase brand awareness, and fulfill other milestones. Essentially your website is the ideal place to tell your brand story and explain why you offer your product or service. A website is a perfect medium to answer any questions users may have about your business.

How to decorate a website?

A website is much longer than a landing page, allowing it to provide a lot of information at once. How you can tell your brand story on a website:-

About Page:

On the about page you can explain yourself, your mission statement, values ​​and motivation.

FAQ Page:

On this page you can answer some of the popular and frequently asked questions of users about your brand.

Contact Page:

Also, give people an opportunity to contact to know about various questions or issues through this page.

How to decorate the landing page?

Let’s learn about landing page design techniques or tips.

In the landing page post headline you can talk about other benefits besides the original benefits. If you have arranged any free offer with your product then you can mention it here.

You can edit the summary of what to mention in the whole page through lines 2/4 in the introduction. Then discuss each problem and its solution. Gradually introduce your offer to traffic seriously.

Try to get to the point. In this part you will try to tactfully ask and convince the customer to subscribe to your offer. If you want, you can give the subscription form. So that customers fill the form.

At the very end you remind the traffic about the benefits of your product/offer. Also remember to subscribe.

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